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The Harder They Come Film Review

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1. In general, what did you like and dislike about the film?

I like the story behind the film, because you can see a different reality.  In addition, I love the reggae music, and investigate this movie was very important for the process to popularize this type of music.

Furthermore, I dislike the violence reflect in the film, because I very sensitive and this scenes produce me displeasure and anxiety. Especially, the scene when Ivan Martin stab a person. In this moment, I close my eyes and I feel very bad. 

2. Who is your favorite character from the film?

My favorite character is Elsa, because she is the most important female character. In the most part of the cultural products that I see, I like the female characters, because I feel represent with them.

Nevertheless, I don´t like the female role in the movie. Because the women were subordinate for men and they took advantage for this situation.

3. Would you recommend this film to someone, why/why not?

I recommend this movie a person that wants learn about Jamaica, reggae, life after the independence and criminal life. But, I will talk the violence scenes and the female role  context that 70´s.


  1. Nice review!
    Well, I believe that is no a movie that you can easily reccommend unless your friend have an especific topic to learn/want to study/see about. It's a movie hard to rate, isn't?


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