It´s very difficult choose a only one favorite food, because I love many foods, but If I think a little more, my favorite food is spaghetti with pesto and cheese grated.
I think this food is amazing, because the spaghetti is the best food ever, for me, and the pesto and cheese grated deliver a wonderful taste. I love the other plates of spaghetti, like spaguetthi with salse, spaguetti with cream or spaguetti with egg, but spaguetti with pesto and cheese grated is the best.
I knew the spaguetti with pesto and cheese grated in the university. The first time that I eat this plate was very incredible, because I love the taste of pesto. Since this day, I love eat this plate and I hope every day for eat again.
The combination of tastes is attractive for the palate and If you want properly appreciate the flavor, you should press the food against your palate and you will feel completely the taste.
My day is better when in the menu of ICEI dining room appear spaguetti with pesto and cheese grated, with my friends buy the tickets before the lunch and we wait very excited the lunch.
The spaguetti with pesto and cheese grated is our tradition and we feel very good when we eat this food, I think this plate us unite, because we love the same food.
Everyone loves pesto, but I prefer the bolognese sauce
ResponderEliminarthat's my favorite food too