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The best vacation ever

The best vacation ever for me happen this winter vacation, I went to the south of Chile with my mom. We were there for ten days and was a awesome experience, because I can saw a part of my family that I never saw in three years.

We had travel together for different parts like Frutillar, Valdivia, Purranque, Osorno, Corte Alto etc. It is a wonderful experience because I strengthen the bond with my grandmother, my uncle, my aunts and my cousins.

The first and the last day we celebrated birthday parties, first the birthday of the best friend of my mom and last the birthday of my grandmother. And yes, I eat a lot of food and go up many weight, but worth it.

Some days I went with my cousin go all over for Purranque, the town where she lives, and know her friends, they are very funny and nice.

Other days I played "Just dance" with my little cousin and helped my grandmother in the kitchen.
These days were amazing because I managed to share with the all my relatives in different situations, since doing a kuchen with my aunt until advice my little cousin about his teenager                                                             problems.

  I hope can go soon, because I miss the wonderful persons                and places. And in the future I plan live in Frutillar or                     Valdivia, because they are the only places that I know give                me a complete calm.


  1. It is funny that we wrote about places that are close hahaha. I remember when you told me you were going there and I was happy, because the places are beautiful and sharing that moments with the family it is even better :)

    Cheers, dear <3


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