1. What was the role played by the National People's Party (PNP) in the anti colonial struggle? The National People's Party (PNP) had many roles in the anti-colonial struggle that originated in Jamaica in order to completely free it from the colonialist logic that dominated it. Therefore, this party became a symbol of equality for all the most unprotected social sectors. 2. What was / is the role of women throughout the 75 years of the PNP? (Give at least 3 examples) Their progress in equality can be seen exemplified in education, gender equity and in the workplace,to name a few. This party, which meant their struggle from, for and for women, fought for equal pay and gender equality, so that Jamaican women were equal in dignity and rights as their peers, white or black, male. The role of women was really important, since they were a reference for later feminist struggles, which have been reborn in recent years. In the context of a glob...
1. Who was your favorite character (s) from the film? Why? My favorite character is Derrick, because he represent the strong, the fight and the perseverance in all his expresion. I´ts very important to say that I think his qualities are very admirable because he fight for the lack opportunities, lack support, lack peace and other things. I know that the movie represent in the character of Derrick the social class fight for treat to change this lifes and the lifes of the persons they love. 2. How does the film compare to the other Jamaican films from the 70s? (Besides visual effects, think about the plot and character development) I think this film is very most funny than others, because is more flash, have more effects, have better sound and quality of image. So, I know this is film it´s produced in 2011 and the others movies are very most old. For this reason, each it must be seen according to it´s production context. 3. How are woman portrayed in this film? Is ...